“…outside the borders of bad taste and hypocrisy disguised as ‘democratization of culture.’”

Great line!

By the way, I had to paste sections at a time into Google translate (I don’t read Romanian). I’m intrigued by this translation: “over a glass of prosecco we all got rid of the emotions of the event for good.” Is that correct?

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vaguely so. I mean that after the recital, we finally calmed our nerves over a glass of prosecco.

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Your images are exquisite Crina! Wish i could have been there

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Thank you, my friend! It was a very cozy and elegant event - and I am happy I could be of assistance with a few ideas and the photos, of course.

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De cand ma stiu mi-e imposibil sa ma decid ce-mi place mai mult: pianul sau vioara...

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La mine sigur e pianul.

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