Thank you, Juliette! I started this newsletter with the intention to showcase my photography, but I already have a website and a photo blog on WordPress. After more than one year here, in which time I've discovered a lot of photographers on Substack, this will likely change in that I'll make more room for my photos in the future. Your blog is excellent, by the way. Happy 2025!
Deci n-am pierdut nimic daca, in peregrinajul meu de sfarsit/inceput de an, n-am fost la Cluj... Il pun pe lista cu lucruri de facut pentru cand se termina netul.
I don't read/write Romanian but your photos here are stunning!
Thank you, Juliette! I started this newsletter with the intention to showcase my photography, but I already have a website and a photo blog on WordPress. After more than one year here, in which time I've discovered a lot of photographers on Substack, this will likely change in that I'll make more room for my photos in the future. Your blog is excellent, by the way. Happy 2025!
Deci n-am pierdut nimic daca, in peregrinajul meu de sfarsit/inceput de an, n-am fost la Cluj... Il pun pe lista cu lucruri de facut pentru cand se termina netul.
Primăria a cedat organizarea Târgului companiei care organizează Untold, așa că nu-i de mirare că a fost un eșec (mai mare decât cu un an înainte, când tot ei s-au ocupat). Cum internetul încă viu știe tot ce facem sau scriem, primul articol care mi-a sărit în ochi azi dimineață a fost ăsta
Sibiu rullz! :D
Fain !
Asteptam reportajul pe lumina.
I hope the coming year is kind to you. Peace.
Happy new year to you, dear Al!
mno, un an fain s-ai!